The 5 Point Scale

The Incredible 5 Point Scale was developed by Kari Dunn Buron and is frequently used to help kids with autism identify and express emotions. Once taught, a student can use this as part of a behavior plan and a way to communicate feelings through all settings.

The idea is that you have a 1-5 likert scale where increasing intensity of a certain emotion is illustrated, either with a photo or a drawing, and defined for an individual child. 1 typically represents a balanced homeostasis. A happy, calm kid. Where 5 is the highest intensity that the emotion reaches.

Most often the scale will measure anger or anxiety, but it can be used to define any emotion. When you introduce the scale, you will have to sit down with the individual child and clearly define each level on the scale. This could be very simple to very complex depending on the skills of your student. After you define the levels, you can make the connection to a what a child may physically need or need to do at each level to move back down to a 1.

The 5 point scale is primarily used with elementary level kids. As they transition to middle school, the anxiety curve may be utilized.

As a student gets older, the scale may be used to illustrate the impact of emotions outside the school day.

Why It Works:

Students with Autism often struggle to accurately express their emotions. It may be a struggle to identify what they are feeling or identifying what to do when they feel a certain way. It also helps teach students that there is a range to emotions.  The 5 point scale is very clearly defined, connecting with the need for exactness and certainty. It is individualized. It is visual. It also eliminates language in times of heightened emotions, while allowing for communication.

Learn More:

Kari Dunn Buron’s site. This would be a great place to purchase the books and Kari has collected lots of ideas from other parents and professionals showing examples of the scales’s range of use.

A fact sheet from PBIS Illinois.

Download the app from itunes for free to use on your mobile devices!

Indiana Resource Center for Autism has lots of great visual strategies printables including lots of 5 point scales.

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